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Incompany Spanish

Language courses Spanish

Language Training Spanish

Step into the enchanting world of Spanish, a Romance pearl with no fewer than 450 million native speakers worldwide! As the second most spoken language in the world, Spanish takes you on a wonderful journey through Spain and across the vast expanses of Latin America.

Get enchanted by the rich culture, vibrant street life and heart-warming people as you immerse yourself in this melodious language. Start your adventure today with a Spanish language course and discover the world in a whole new way!

Book Your Language Course Spanish Today

You can choose from a variety of learning paths, depending on your level and language objectives, such as:

• Language course A1 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course A2 – 40 training hours and 40 hours of self-study

• Language course B1 part 1 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course B1 part 2 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course B2 part 1 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course B2 part 2 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course C1 part 1 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Language course C1 part 2 – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Business communication, verbal – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

• Business communication, written – 30 training hours and 30 hours of self-study

Below you will find a collection of interesting study book titles. We invite you to discuss your preferences with your language teacher and select the perfect book for your study.

At IncompanyLanguages you learn Quickly and Efficiently with a Private Tutor On-site or Online

Exam options

Anyone who would like to obtain a recognized Spanish language certificate after their language training can contact Cervantes in Utrecht. You can register for a DELE-exam at this public institution. These internationally recognized exams are taken at all levels from A1 to C1. 

Extra: Learn and Compare Four Romance Languages Simultaneously with Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French

In a world where countless grammar books and language guides are published annually, all teaching Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French separately, this groundbreaking book offers a unique approach.

Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French allows you to learn and compare these four major Romance languages simultaneously by leveraging their grammatical and lexical similarities.

This comprehensive guide offers over 700 pages and 10 chapters detailing all grammatical aspects of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French. With more than 1000 practical examples, it illustrates key concepts clearly. The book includes 500 easy-to-follow charts and tables for quick reference and comparison, and provides 138 geographical, historical, and cultural facts about the countries where these languages are spoken.

This book is perfect for anyone eager to learn Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French simultaneously. Catering to both beginners and advanced students, it offers a comprehensive approach that saves you years of study by allowing you to compare and learn the four languages at a glance. In our increasingly globalized world, mastering multiple languages is crucial, and this book equips you with the tools to become a multilingual individual, ready to thrive in diverse environments.

Get your copy of Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French and transform your language learning journey today!

Let's Get Started! Your Instructor is Set and Ready for You!

Whether you live in Deventer, or work in Delft or Venlo, make rapid progress in your Spanish language acquisition with focus, concentration and a language teacher who is committed to the success of your course.

Start studying and open the door to new cultures and connections!

Our interactive lessons combine self-study with a practical approach. In the lessons you will improve your speaking ability and refine your language expression under professional guidance.

You will learn the idiom to participate in everyday conversations in Spanish and you will learn to overcome language barriers and feel increasingly confident when communicating with your Spanish-speaking colleagues or acquaintances.

Please contact us below to let us know your wishes, goals and lesson time options. 

Your language teacher Spanish is all set and available for you!

Sign Up for a Spanish Course – ¡Hasta pronto en la lección!

Online or on-site

At IncompanyLanguages you can choose to receive a trainer at your location or you can attend the language training online. As a result, your employees do not have to travel and they save a lot of time. All our trainers speak the language they teach as their mother tongue or master this level. At IncompanyLanguages quality language lessons are guaranteed.

Individually or in group

Language courses can be booked individually or in groups. Group lessons are beneficial when employees have the same language goal and level and want to improve this together.

Contact us

Would you like to find out more about what we can do for you or your company? Send us an e-mail, fill out the contact or quotation form or give us a call: